
August 7, 2019

Reflections on Our Voices – Change Maker

As Our Voices ends, our partners have been reflecting on the project. We are publishing a series of short videos featuring interviews with our partner organisations […]
August 7, 2019

Reflections on Our Voices – CRN

As Our Voices comes to a close, our partners have spent some time reflecting on the project. We are publishing a series of short videos featuring […]
August 7, 2019

Reflections on Our Voices – Fundacion Intras

As Our Voices winds down, our partners have taken some time to reflect on the project. We are publishing a series of short videos featuring interviews […]
August 7, 2019

Reflections on Our Voices – CSRMP

As Our Voices comes to an end, our partners have spent time reflecting on the project. We are updating the blog with a series of short […]
August 7, 2019

Reflections on Our Voices – People’s Voice Media

As Our Voices draws to a close, our partners have spent time reflecting on the project. We will be updating the blog with a series of […]
July 29, 2019

Final project meeting

The Our Voices team met in Berlin to define the last actions to take before the end of the project. It has been an important meeting […]
June 29, 2019

UK Multiplier Event

As part of the first annual Institute of Community Reporters’ conference, the Our Voices team participated in the ‘Co-creating public services with stories of lived experiences’ […]
December 12, 2018

Our Voices Team meets in Spain

In November, the Our Voices team made their way to Spain, to participate in a transnational partnership meeting. With the intellectual outputs – the curriculum, the […]