Hayley Trowbridge

July 29, 2019

Final project meeting

The Our Voices team met in Berlin to define the last actions to take before the end of the project. It has been an important meeting […]
June 29, 2019

UK Multiplier Event

As part of the first annual Institute of Community Reporters’ conference, the Our Voices team participated in the ‘Co-creating public services with stories of lived experiences’ […]
December 12, 2018

Our Voices Team meets in Spain

In November, the Our Voices team made their way to Spain, to participate in a transnational partnership meeting. With the intellectual outputs – the curriculum, the […]
November 20, 2018

Young people’s voices – an example of digital curation

An interactive report has been produced based on Community Reporter stories about the lives of young people in Finland. Digital curation methods were used to produce […]
November 15, 2018

Mid-Way Reflections on Our Voices – Fundacion Intras

Daniel of Fundacion Intras reflects on the Our Voices project as it hits the halfway mark. Video in Spanish.
October 22, 2018

Enhancing person-centred care with patient stories

Working with AQuA, People’s Voice Media are about to start piloting the use of storytelling and story curation processes in enhancing person-centred care in health care […]
September 1, 2018

Our Voices in Berlin: Stories of Change Begins

A unique partner combination of 6 European organizations, 15+ trainers from several countries and 5-day curriculum to explore how digital story curation techniques can support communities […]
August 4, 2018

Our Voices övningsprogram för Digital Curation (Resurser finns översatt till svenska)

The Our Voices Digital Curator Training Programme är ett 5-dagars träningsprogram som producerats som en del av Erasmus+-projektet Our Voices. För att stödja leveransen av detta program, se […]